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ePac opens new $10m Aus digital flexibles factory

Global digital flexible packaging phenomenon ePac has opened its new $10m Australian site, the latest in its growing list of facilities it has built around the world in the last six years.

The North Coburg site is the first print plant of any kind opened in Australia for several years. It is focused on serving entrepreneurs in specialising in small and medium run-length orders for flexible pouches. Its Australian customer base will focus on start-ups across the snack, confection, coffee, organic foods, pet food, and nutritional supplement space.

Mark Daws, Labels & Packaging Director at Currie Group, took groups of guests through the workings of the twin HP Indigos in the print room, which was clearly big enough for at least one more 25K to go into. Since the factory began production less than six months ago, it has already added a second pouchmaking line. Click HERE to read more on PKn Packaging News


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